Generic burst waveforms ======================= Perhaps the simplest waveforms which Minke is able to produce are so-caled "generic" or "ad-hoc" burst waveforms. These waveform families include gaussian bursts, sine-gaussian wavelets, and white noise bursts. Gaussian bursts --------------- Perhaps the simplest conceivable model of a burst of gravitational waves is one where energy is emitted across a broadband range of frequencies over a fixed period of time, with a smooth rise and decay in amplitude. Such a source can be modelled as with a Gaussian function, and may be a suitable model for broadband sources, such as the core-bounce during a core-collapse abbr:sn. In searches the model for such a signal is .. math:: h(t) = A \exp\left( - \frac{ (t - t_{0})^{2} }{ 2 \sigma^{2} } \right), for a strain :math:`h` at time :math:`t`, with an amplitude :math:`A`, central time :math:`t_{0}` and duration :math:`\sigma`. Minke supports Gaussian bursts using the `minke.sources.Gaussian` class. .. autoclass:: minke.sources.Gaussian Sine-Gaussian bursts -------------------- In addition to searching for broadband, time-constrained bursts of gravitational wave energy, some sources are expected to produce gravitational waves which are in a confined range of frequencies, in addition to being released over a short time-span. Such a source can be approximated by a sinusoidal signal which is enveloped by a Gaussian rise and decay in amplitude. The model used in gls:ligo searches for such signals is: .. math:: h(t) = A \exp \left[ \frac{ - 2(t - t_{0})^{2} \pi^{2} f^{2}}{Q^{2}} \right] \cos\left[ 2 \pi f (t - t_{0}) \right], for a strain :math:`h` at time :math:`t`, with :math:`A` the amplitude of the signal, :math:`t_{0}` its central time, :math:`Q` the quality factor of the burst, and :math:`f` is frequency. .. autoclass:: minke.sources.SineGaussian Band-limited white noise bursts ------------------------------- Astrophysical processes are unlikely to produce emission at a single frequency, or with a smooth evolution of amplitude, and so searches are normally expected to be sensitive to band-limited white noise bursts, which consist of band-limited uncorrelated noise within a Gaussian amplitude envelope. .. autoclass:: minke.sources.WhiteNoiseBurst