
Source code for heron.regression

Functions and classes for contructing regression surrogate models.

import math as m
import numpy as np
import emcee
import scipy.linalg
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import george
import scipy
from .training import *
import copy

[docs]def load(filename): """ Load a pickled heron Gaussian Process. """ import pickle with open(filename, "rb") as gp_file: return pickle.load(gp_file)
[docs]class SingleTaskGP(object): """ This is an implementaion of a Single task Gaussian process regressor. That is, a GPR which is capable of acting as a surrogate to a many-to-one function. The Single Task GPR is the fundamental building block of the MultiTask GPR, which consists of multiple Single Tasks which are trained in tandem (but which do NOT share correlation information). --- Ahem... There /are/ components of this code in here, but things need a little bit more thought before this will work efficiently... An implementation of a Gaussian Process Regressor with multiple response outputs and multiple inputs. """ km = None def __repr__(self): """ The printable representation of this object. """ return "<Heron Gaussian Process instance with {} training points>".format(len(self.training_data)) def _html_repr_(self): """ The HTML representation of the object for use with IPython / Jupyter notebooks. """ output = "<table>" output += "<tr>" output += "<th>Heron Gaussian Process</th>" output += "<th></th>" output += "</tr>" output += "<tr>" output += "<td>Training Points</th>" output += "<td>{}</td>".format(len(self.training_data)) output += "</tr>" output += "<tr>" output += "<td>Test Points</th>" output += "<td>{}</td>".format(len(self.training_object.test_labels)) output += "</tr>" output += "<tr>" output += "<td>Model Correlation</th>" output += "<td>{}</td>".format(self.correlation()) output += "</tr>" output += "<tr>" output += "<td>Model RMSE</th>" output += "<td>{}</td>".format(self.rmse()) output += "</tr>" output += "</table>" return output def __init__(self, training_data, kernel, tikh=1e-6, solver=george.HODLRSolver, hyperpriors = None, **kwargs): """ Set up the Gaussian process regression. Parameters ---------- training data : heron data object The training data, consisiting of labels and targets. kernel : heron kernel The kernel used to calculate the covariance matrix. tikh : float The Tikhonov regularization factor to be applied to the diagonal to avoid the attempt to invert an ill-posed matrix problem. Defaults to 1e-6. """ self.tikh = tikh self.training_object = training_data self.training_data = self.training_object.targets self.training_y = self.training_object.labels self.yerror = self.training_object.label_sigma self.input_dim = self.training_data.ndim self.output_dim = self.training_y.ndim self.kernel = kernel #kernel(self.training_data.ndim, *kernel_args) #kwargs = {} if solver == george.HODLRSolver: kwargs['tol'] = self.tikh = george.GP(kernel, solver=solver, mean = np.mean(self.training_y), fit_mean=False, fit_white_noise=False, **kwargs ) self.kernel = self.hyperpriordistributions = hyperpriors self.update()
[docs] def active_learn(self, afunction, x,y, iters=1, afunc_args={}): """ Actively train the Gaussian process from a set of provided labels and targets using some acquisition function. afunction : function The acquisition function. x : array-like The input labels of the data. This can be a multi-dimensional array. y : array-like The input targets of the data. This can only be a single-dimensional array at present. iters : int The number of times to iterate the learning process: equivalently, the number of training points to digest. afunc_args : dict A dictionary of arguments for the acquisition function. Optional. """ i=0 while i < iters: # Choose the new sample from the area with the greatest uncertainty mean, var = self.prediction(x) err = np.sqrt(np.diag(np.abs(var))) LB = afunction(mean, err, **afunc_args) new_sample = np.argmax(LB) self.add_data(np.atleast_1d(x[new_sample]), y[new_sample]) i += 1
[docs] def add_data(self, target, label, label_error=None): """ Add data to the Gaussian process. """ self.training_object.add_data(target, label, label_sigma=label_error, target_sigma=None) self.training_data = self.training_object.targets self.training_y = self.training_object.labels[0] self.yerror = self.training_object.label_sigma self.update()
[docs] def set_bmatrix(self, values): """ Set the values of the B matrix from a vector. """ bm = values.reshape(self.output_dim, self.output_dim) bm += self.tikh * np.eye(bm.shape[0], bm.shape[1]) if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(bm) > 0): return -1e25 self.B_matrix = bm return self.loglikelihood()
[docs] def set_hyperparameters(self, hypers): """ Set the hyperparameters of the kernel function. """ self.update()
#return self.loglikelihood()
[docs] def get_hyperparameters(self): """ Return the kernel hyperparameters. """ return
[docs] def update(self): """ Update the stored matrices. """, self.training_object.label_sigma)
[docs] def prediction(self, new_datum, normalised=False): """ Produce a prediction at a new point, or set of points. Parameters ---------- new_datum : array The coordinates of the new point(s) at which the GPR model should be evaluated. normalised : bool A flag to indicate if the input is already normalised (this might be the case if you're trying to efficiently sample to parameter space). If False the input will be normalised to the same range as the training data. Returns ------- prediction mean : array The mean values of the function drawn from the Gaussian Process. prediction variance : array The variance values for the function drawn from the GP. """ training_y = self.training_y if training_y.ndim > 1: training_y = training_y[0,:] #new_datum = np.atleast_2d(new_datum) if not normalised: new_datum = self.training_object.normalise(new_datum, "target") mean, variance =, new_datum, return_var=True) #return mean, variance return self.training_object.denormalise(mean, "label"), self.training_object.denormalise(variance, "label")
[docs] def test_predict(self): """ Calculate the value of the GP at the test targets. """ self.test_predictions = self.prediction(self.training_object.denormalise(self.training_object.test_targets, "target"))[0]
[docs] def correlation(self): """ Calculate the correlation between the model and the test data. Returns ------- corr : float The correlation squared. """ a = self.training_object.denormalise(self.training_object.test_labels, "label") b = self.test_predictions return np.linalg.det((np.cov(a,b) / np.sqrt(np.var(a) * np.var(b)))**2)
[docs] def rmse(self): """ Calculate the root mean squared error of the whole model. Returns ------- rmse : float The root mean squared error. """ a = self.training_object.denormalise(self.training_object.test_labels, "label") b = self.test_predictions return np.sqrt(np.mean((a - b)**2) )
[docs] def expected_improvement(self, x): ''' Returns the expected improvement at the design vector X in the model Parameters ========== x : array-like A real world coordinates design vector Returns ======= EI: float The expected improvement value at the point x in the model ''' x = np.atleast_2d(x) p, S = self.prediction(x) p = np.abs(p) y_min = np.min(self.training_y) EI_one = ((y_min - p) * (0.5 + 0.5*scipy.special.erf(( 1./np.sqrt(2.))*((y_min - p) / S)))) EI_two = ((S * (1. / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi))) * (np.exp(-(1./2.) * ((y_min - p)**2. / S**2.)))) EI = EI_one + EI_two return EI
[docs] def nei(self, x): """ Calculate the negative of the expected improvement at a point x. """ return -self.expected_improvement(x)
[docs] def ln_likelihood(self, p): """ Provides a convenient wrapper to the ln likelihood function. Notes ----- This is implemented in a separate function because of the mild peculiarities of how the pickle module needs to serialise functions, which means that instancemethods (which this would become) can't be serialised. """ return ln_likelihood(p, self)
def _lnlikelihood(self, p): """ Calculates the lnlikelihood for the GP. Parameters ---------- p : list The vector of hyperparameters at which the lnlikelihood should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The lnlikelihood for the system. """ self.set_hyperparameters(p) if self.training_y.ndim > 1: return[0]) else: return
[docs] def neg_ln_likelihood(self, p): """ Returns the negative of the log-likelihood; designed for use with minimisation algorithms. Parameters ---------- gp : heron `Regressor` object The gaussian process to be evaluated. p : array-like An array of the hyper-parameters at which the model is to be evaluated. Returns ------- neg_ln_likelihood : float The negative of the log-likelihood for the Gaussian process """ return -self.ln_likelihood(p)
[docs] def entropy(self): """Return the entropy of the Gaussian Process distribution. This can be calculated directly from the covariance matrix, making this a nice, quick calculation to perform. Returns ------- entropy : float The differential entropy of the GP. """ return 0.5 * ( np.log((2*np.pi*np.e)**self.training_data.shape[1]) +
[docs] def hyperpriortransform(self, p): """Return the true value in the desired hyperprior space, given an input of a unit-hypercube prior space. Parameters ---------- p : array-like The point in the unit hypercube space Returns ------- x : The position in the desired hyperparameter space of the point. """ hypers = self.hyperpriordistributions x = [] for hyper, pv in zip(hypers, p): x.append(hyper.transform(p)) return np.array(x)
[docs] def loghyperpriors(self, p): """ Calculate the log of the hyperprior distributions at a given point. Parameters ---------- p : ndarray The location to be tested. """ hypers = self.hyperpriordistributions probs = 1 for hyper, pv in zip(hypers, p): probs += hyper.logp(pv) return probs
[docs] def grad_neg_ln_likelihood(self, p): """ Return the negative of the gradient of the log likelihood for the GP when its hyperparameters have some specified value. Parameters ---------- gp : heron `Regressor` object The gaussian process to be evaluated p : array-like An array of the hyper-parameters at which the model is to be evaluated. Returns ------- grad_ln_likelihood : float The gradient of log-likelihood for the Gaussian process """ return
[docs] def train(self, method="MCMC", metric="loglikelihood", sampler="ensemble", **kwargs): """ Train the Gaussian process by finding the optimal values for the kernel hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- method : str {"MCMC", "MAP", "nested"} The method to be employed to calculate the hyperparameters. metric : str The metric which should be used to assess the model. hyperpriors : list The hyperprior distributions for the hyperparameters. Defaults to None, in which case the prior is uniform over all real numbers. """ if method=="MCMC": gp, samples, burn = run_training_mcmc(self, metric = metric, samplertype=sampler, **kwargs) = gp return samples, burn elif method=="nested": # Use nested sampling to train the model # NB this is experimental results = run_nested(gp, metric=metric, **kwargs) return results elif method == "MAP": MAP = run_training_map(self, metric = metric, **kwargs) return MAP
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save the Gaussian Process to a file which can be reloaded later. Parameters ---------- filename : str The location at which the Gaussian Process should be written. Notes ----- In the current implementation the serialisation of the GP is performed by the python `pickle` library, which isn't guaranteed to be binary-compatible with all machines. """ import pickle with open(filename, "wb") as filedump: pickle.dump(self, filedump)
[docs]class MultiTaskGP(SingleTaskGP): """ An implementation of a co-trained set of Gaussian processes which share the same hyperparameters, but which model differing data. The training of these models is described in RW pp115--116. A multi-task GPR is capable of acting as a surrogate to a many-to-many function, and is trained by making the assumption that all of the outputs from the function share a common correlation structure. The principle difference compared to a single task GP is the presence of multiple Gaussian Processes, with one to model each dimension of the output data. Notes ----- The MultiTask GPR implementation is very much a work in progress at the moment, and not all methods implemented in the SingleTask GPR are implemented correctly yet. """ def __init__(self, training_data, kernel, tikh=1e-6, solver=george.HODLRSolver, hyperpriors = None): """ Set up the multi-task Gaussian process regression. Parameters ---------- training data : heron data object The training data, consisiting of labels and targets. kernel : heron kernel The kernel used to calculate the covariance matrix. tikh : float The Tikhonov regularization factor to be applied to the diagonal to avoid the attempt to invert an ill-posed matrix problem. Defaults to 1e-6. """ self.tikh = tikh self.training_object = training_data self.training_data = self.training_object.targets self.training_y = self.training_object.labels self.yerror = self.training_object.label_sigma self.input_dim = self.training_data.ndim self.output_dim = self.training_y.ndim #self.kernel = kernel #kernel(self.training_data.ndim, *kernel_args) self.gps = [] for i in xrange(self.output_dim): sub_training_data = training_data.copy() sub_training_data.labels = sub_training_data.labels[:,i] sub_training_data.label_sigma = sub_training_data.label_sigma[:,i] self.gps.append(SingleTaskGP(sub_training_data, kernel, tikh, solver, hyperpriors)) self.kernel = self.gps[0].kernel self.hyperpriordistributions = hyperpriors self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """ Update the stored matrices. """ for gp in self.gps: gp.update()
[docs] def get_hyperparameters(self): """ Return the kernel hyperparameters. Returns the hyperparameters of only the first GP in the network; the others /should/ all be the same, but there might be something to be said for checking this. Returns ------- hypers : list A list of the kernel hyperparameters """ return self.gps[0].get_hyperparameters()
[docs] def set_hyperparameters(self, hypers): """ Set the hyperparameters of the kernel function on each Gaussian process. """ for gp in self.gps: gp.set_hyperparameters(hypers)
[docs] def train(self, method="MCMC", metric="loglikelihood", sampler="ensemble", **kwargs): """ Train the Gaussian process by finding the optimal values for the kernel hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- method : str {"MCMC", "MAP"} The method to be employed to calculate the hyperparameters. metric : str The metric which should be used to assess the model. hyperpriors : list The hyperprior distributions for the hyperparameters. Defaults to None, in which case the prior is uniform over all real numbers. """ if method=="MCMC": samples, burn = run_training_mcmc(self, metric = metric, samplertype=sampler, **kwargs) return samples, burn elif method == "MAP": MAP = run_training_map(self, metric = metric, **kwargs) return MAP
def _lnlikelihood(self, p): """ Calculates the lnlikelihood for the entire system of GPs in the multitask setup. Parameters ---------- p : list The vector of hyperparameters at which the lnlikelihood should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The lnlikelihood for the system. """ self.set_hyperparameters(p) lnlike = [gp._lnlikelihood(p) for gp in self.gps] return np.sum(lnlike)
[docs] def ln_likelihood(self, p): """Provides a wrapper to the ln_likelihood functions for each component Gaussian process in the multi-task system. Notes ----- This is implemented in a separate function because of the mild peculiarities of how the pickle module needs to serialise functions, which means that instancemethods (which this would become) can't be serialised. """ return ln_likelihood(p, self)
[docs] def prediction(self, new_datum): """ Produce a prediction at a new point, or set of points. Parameters ---------- new_datum : array The coordinates of the new point(s) at which the GPR model should be evaluated. Returns ------- prediction means : array The mean values of the function drawn from the Gaussian Process. prediction variances : array The variance values for the function drawn from the GP. """ means, variances = [], [] #new_datum = np.atleast_2d(new_datum)#.T new_datum = self.training_object.normalise(new_datum, "target") print(new_datum) for ix, gp in enumerate(self.gps): training_y = self.training_y[:,ix] mean, variance =, new_datum, return_var=True) means.append(mean)#gp.training_object.denormalise(mean, "label")) variances.append(variance) #gp.training_object.denormalise(variance, "label")) return means, variances
# For backwards compatibility...
[docs]class Regressor(SingleTaskGP): pass