Source code for minke.sources

import sys
import math
from optparse import OptionParser, Option, OptionGroup
import scipy
from scipy import random
import numpy
np = numpy
from glue.ligolw import lsctables
from glue.ligolw import utils
from glue.ligolw import ligolw
from glue.ligolw import ilwd
from glue.segments import segment
from glue.lal import LIGOTimeGPS as GPS
from glue.ligolw.utils import process
#from pylal.antenna import response
from minke.antenna import response

import scipy.signal as signal
import scipy.interpolate as interp

import os.path

import lal
import lalburst
import lalsimulation
lalsim = lalsimulation

from minke.distribution import *

    import tkinter as tk
except ImportError:
    import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Waveform(object): """ Generic container for different source types. Currently, it checks for the waveform type and initializes itself appropriately. In the future, different sources should subclass this and override the generation routines. """ table_type = lsctables.SimBurstTable sim = lsctables.New(table_type) numrel_data = [] waveform = "Generic" expnum = 1 def _clear_params(self): self.params = {} for a in self.table_type.validcolumns.keys(): self.params[a] = None
[docs] def parse_polarisation(self, polarisation): """ Convert a string description of a polarisation to an ellipse eccentricity and an ellipse angle. Parameters ---------- polarisation : str, {'linear', 'circular', 'elliptical', 'inclination'} The description of the polarisation, in words. Outputs ------- e : float The ellipse's eccentricity. angle : float The ellipse angle. """ if polarisation == "linear": pol_ellipse_e = 1.0 pol_ellipse_angle = 0 elif polarisation == "circular": pol_ellipse_e = 0.0 pol_ellipse_angle = 0 elif polarisation == "elliptical": pol_ellipse_e = uniform_interval((0,1),1)[0] pol_ellipse_angle = uniform_interval((0,2*numpy.pi),1)[0] elif polarisation == "inclination": cosincl = uniform_interval((-1, 1), 1)[0]**2 pol_ellipse_e = (1 - cosincl) / (1 + cosincl) pol_ellipse_angle = -numpy.pi/2 if uniform_interval((0, 1), 1)[0] < 0.5 else numpy.pi/2 return pol_ellipse_e, pol_ellipse_angle
[docs] def plot(self, figsize=(10,5),): """ Produce a plot of the injection. """ hp, hx, _, _ = self._generate(half=True) f, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=figsize) times = np.arange(0, hp.deltaT*len(, hp.deltaT) ax[0].plot(times,, label="+ polarisation") ax[0].plot(times,, label="x polarisation") ax[1].plot(, return f
def _generate(self, rate=16384.0, half=False, distance=None): """ Generate the burst described in a given row, so that it can be measured. Parameters ---------- rate : float The sampling rate of the signal, in Hz. Defaults to 16384.0Hz half : bool Only compute the hp and hx once if this is true; these are only required if you need to compute the cross products. Defaults to False. Returns ------- hp : The strain in the + polarisation hx : The strain in the x polarisation hp0 : A copy of the strain in the + polarisation hx0 : A copy of the strain in the x polarisation """ burstobj = self._burstobj() hp, hx = lalburst.GenerateSimBurst(burstobj, 1.0/rate) if not half : hp0, hx0 = lalburst.GenerateSimBurst(burstobj, 1.0/rate) else: hp0, hx0 = hp, hx return hp, hx, hp0, hx0 def _burstobj(self): """ Generate a SimBurst object for this waveform. """ swig_row = self._row() burstobj = lalburst.CreateSimBurst() for a in self.table_type.validcolumns.keys(): try: setattr(burstobj, a, getattr(swig_row,a)) except AttributeError: continue except TypeError: continue burstobj.waveform = str(self.waveform) if swig_row.numrel_data: burstobj.numrel_data = str(swig_row.numrel_data) else: burstobj.numrel_data = str("") return burstobj def _generate_for_detector(self, ifos, sample_rate = 16384.0, nsamp = 2000): data = [] # Loop through each interferometer for ifo in ifos: # Make the timeseries row = self._row() h_resp = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("inj time series", lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0,0), 0, 1.0/sample_rate, lal.StrainUnit, nsamp) hp, hx = self._generate(half=True)[:2] # Get and apply detector response det = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(ifo) h_tot = lalsimulation.SimDetectorStrainREAL8TimeSeries(hp, hx, row.ra[0], row.dec[0], row.psi[0], det) # Inject the waveform into the overall timeseries lalsimulation.SimAddInjectionREAL8TimeSeries(h_resp, h_tot, None) return h_tot def _row(self, sim=None, slide_id=0): """ Produce a simburst table row for this waveform. Parameters ---------- sim : table The table which the row should be made for. If this is left empty the table is assumed to be a sim_burst_table. slide_id : int The timeslide id. Defaults to 0. """ if not sim: sim = self.sim row = sim.RowType() for a in self.table_type.validcolumns.keys(): setattr(row, a, self.params[a]) if self.numrel_data: row.numrel_data = str(self.numrel_data) else: row.numrel_data = self.params['numrel_data'] row.waveform = self.waveform # Fill in the time row.set_time_geocent(GPS(float(self.time))) # Get the sky locations if not row.ra: row.ra, row.dec, row.psi = self.sky_dist() row.simulation_id = sim.get_next_id() row.waveform_number = random.randint(0,int(2**32)-1) ### !! This needs to be updated. row.process_id = "process:process_id:0" #procrow.process_id row.time_slide_id = ilwd.ilwdchar("time_slide:time_slide_id:%d" % slide_id) return row
[docs] def interpolate(self, x_old, y_old, x_new, method="linear"): """ Convenience funtion to avoid repeated code """ interpolator = interp.interp1d(x_old, y_old, method) return interpolator(x_new)
[docs]class SineGaussian(Waveform): """ A class to represent a SineGaussian injection. """ waveform = "SineGaussian" def __init__(self, q, frequency, hrss, polarisation, time, sky_dist=uniform_sky, seed=0): """A class to represent a SineGaussian ad-hoc waveform. Parameters ---------- q : float The quality factor. frequency : float The frequency of the injection. hrss : float The strain magnitude of the injection. polarisation : str {'linear', 'elliptical', 'circular'} The type of polarisation of the waveform. time : float The central time of the injection. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. seed : int The random seed used to make the injection time of the waveform. The default seed is 0. """ self._clear_params() self.sky_dist = sky_dist self.params['hrss'] = hrss self.params['seed'] = seed self.params['frequency'] = frequency self.params['q'] = q self.time = time self.polarisation = polarisation self.params['pol_ellipse_e'], self.params['pol_ellipse_angle'] = self.parse_polarisation(self.polarisation)
[docs]class Gaussian(Waveform): """ A class to represent a Gaussian injection. """ waveform = "Gaussian" def __init__(self, duration, hrss, time, sky_dist=uniform_sky, seed=0): """ A class to represent a Gaussian ad-hoc waveform. Parameters ---------- duration : float or list The duration, in seconds, of the Gaussian waveform. hrss : float or list The strain magnitude of the injection. If a float is provided then the hrss will be fixed, if a list is provided then this will be the minimum and maximum hrss. polarisation : str {'linear', 'elliptical', 'circular'} The type of polarisation of the waveform. time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. seed : float The random seed used to make the injection time of the waveform. The default seed is 0. """ self._clear_params() self.sky_dist = sky_dist self.params['duration'] = duration self.params['hrss'] = hrss self.time = time self.params['pol_ellipse_e'] = 1.0 self.params['pol_ellipse_angle'] = 0
[docs]class WhiteNoiseBurst(Waveform): """ A class to represent a WNB injection. """ waveform = "BTLWNB" def __init__(self, duration, bandwidth, frequency, time, hrss=None, egw=None, sky_dist=uniform_sky, seed=0): """A class to represent a white-noise burst ad-hoc waveform. Parameters ---------- duration : float or list The duration, in seconds, of the WNB. bandwidth : float or list The bandwidth, in hertz, of the WNB. frequency : float or list The frequency, in hertz, of the WNB. hrss : float or list The strain magnitude of the injection. If a float is provided then the hrss will be fixed, if a list is provided then this will be the minimum and maximum hrss. If the hrss is not provided then you should provide an EGW value instead. egw : float The gravitational wave energy. You should provide this if you do not provide the Hrss. time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. seed : float The random seed used to make the injection time of the waveform. The default seed is 0. To Do ----- Add ability to create a WNB by giving the EGW rather than the strain. Notes ----- See for what this calls "under the hood" in LALSuite. There are some important considerations here with respect to the differing sample rates used at LIGO and VIRGO, and so when creating the WNB it's important that the burst is created at a single sampel rate, and then resampled appropriately, so that the same waveform is used. """ self._clear_params() self.sky_dist = sky_dist if hrss: self.params['hrss'] = hrss elif egw: self.params['egw'] = egw else: raise valueError('You need to provide either an hrss or an egw to produce a WNB waveform') # The burst group describes WNBs by their lowest frequency, but LALInference wants them at the central frequency, # so add half the bandwidth to get the central freq self.params['frequency'] = frequency + bandwidth / 2.0 # We need a minimum window size so that the whole burst can be contained within it, # so expand the duration if it's too small. min_len = np.sqrt( 4 * (np.pi**(-2) / bandwidth**2) ) if duration < min_len: self.params['duration'] = min_len + 1e-5 else: self.params['duration'] = duration self.params['bandwidth'] = bandwidth self.time = time self.params['pol_ellipse_e'], self.params['pol_ellipse_angle'] = 0.0, 0.0 self.params['egw_over_rsquared'] = hrss**2 * np.pi**2 * frequency**2 * lal.C_SI / lal.G_SI / lal.MSUN_SI * lal.PC_SI**2 # I'm really not sure if we need to do this, but apparently the # hrss of the actual waveform is not exactly what we ask for # the old pyBurst code measured this by generating the waveform # which seems wasteful, but I'll replicate it here anyway, for # consistency with the method used for O1. hp, hx, _, _ = self._generate(half=True) self.params['hrss'] = lalsimulation.MeasureHrss(hp, hx)
[docs]class Supernova(Waveform): """ A superclass to handle the spherial harmonic decompositions which all supernova waveforms require. """ waveform = "Supernova" # We shouldn't ever use this anyway supernova = True file_distance = 10e-3 has_memory = False
[docs] def construct_Hlm(self, Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz, l=2, m=2): """ Construct the expansion parameters Hlm from T1000553. Returns the expansion parameters for l=2, m=m """ if l!=2: print "l!=2 not supported" sys.exit() if abs(m)>2: print "Only l=2 supported, |m| must be <=2" sys.exit() if m==-2: Hlm = np.sqrt(4*lal.PI/5) * (Ixx - Iyy + 2*1j*Ixy) elif m==-1: Hlm = np.sqrt(16*lal.PI/5) * (Ixx + 1j*Iyz) elif m==0: Hlm = np.sqrt(32*lal.PI/15) * (Izz - 0.5*(Ixx + Iyy)) elif m==1: Hlm = np.sqrt(16*lal.PI/5) * (-1*Ixx + 1j*Iyz) elif m==2: Hlm = np.sqrt(4*lal.PI/5) * (Ixx - Iyy - 2*1j*Ixy) return Hlm
def _generate(self, rate=16384.0, half=False, distance=None, tail = True): """ Generate the burst described in a given row, so that it can be measured. Parameters ---------- rate : float The sampling rate of the signal, in Hz. Defaults to 16384.0Hz half : bool Only compute the hp and hx once if this is true; these are only required if you need to compute the cross products. Defaults to False. Returns ------- hp : The strain in the + polarisation hx : The strain in the x polarisation hp0 : A copy of the strain in the + polarisation hx0 : A copy of the strain in the x polarisation """ burstobj = self._burstobj() hp, hx = lalburst.GenerateSimBurst(burstobj, 1.0/rate) if not half : hp0, hx0 = lalburst.GenerateSimBurst(burstobj, 1.0/rate) else: hp0, hx0 = hp, hx # detrend supernova waveforms if hasattr(self, "supernova"):,,, = scipy.signal.detrend(, scipy.signal.detrend(, scipy.signal.detrend(, scipy.signal.detrend( # Rescale for a given distance if burstobj.amplitude: rescale = 1.0 / (self.file_distance / burstobj.amplitude),,, = * rescale, * rescale, * rescale, * rescale if self.has_memory and tail: # Apply the tail correction for memory tail_hp = self.generate_tail(length = 1, h_max =[-1], h_min =[0]) tail_hx = self.generate_tail(length = 1, h_max =[-1], h_min =[0]) hp_data = np.append(, hx_data = np.append(, tail_hp = lal.CreateREAL8Vector(len(hp_data)) = hp_data tail_hx = lal.CreateREAL8Vector(len(hx_data)) = hx_data = tail_hp = tail_hx return hp, hx, hp0, hx0
[docs] def generate_tail(self, sampling=16384.0, length = 1, h_max = 1e-23, h_min = 0): """Generate a "low frequency tail" to append to the end of the waveform to overcome problems related to memory in the waveform. This code was adapted from an iPython notebook provided by Marek Szczepanczyk. The tail needs to be added to the waveform after all of the other corrections have been applied (DW: I think) Parameters ---------- sampling : float The sample rate of the injection data. By default this is 16384 Hz, which is the standard advanced LIGO sampling rate. length : float The length of the tail to be added, in seconds; defaults to 1. h_max : float The strain at the beginning of the tail -- the strain at the end of the NR data. Notes ----- * TODO Confirm that the tail is added-on after the waveform is convolved with the antenna pattern. """ times = np.linspace(0, length, length * sampling) tail_f = 1.0 / length / 2.0 # Calculate the frequency for a half cosine function over the length of the tail tail = 0.5 * (h_max + (h_max-h_min) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * tail_f * times) + h_min) tailout = lal.CreateREAL8Vector(len(tail)) = tail return tailout
[docs] def interpolate(self, x_old, y_old, x_new): """ Convenience funtion to avoid repeated code """ interpolator = interp.interp1d(x_old, y_old) return interpolator(x_new)
[docs] def decompose(self, numrel_file, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01): """ Produce the spherial harmonic decompositions of a numerical waveform. Parameters ---------- numrel_file : str The location of the numerical relativity waveform file. sample_rate : float The sample rate of the NR file. Defaults to 16384.0 Hz. step_back : float The amount of time, in seconds, of the data which should be included before the peak amplitude. Defaults to 0.01 sec. Returns ------- decomposition : ndarray The l=2 mode spherical decompositions of the waveform. """ # Load the times from the file data = np.loadtxt(numrel_file) data = data.T times = data[0] times -= times[0] # Load the I components from the file Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = data[5:] # Make the new time vector for the requried sample rate target_times = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], 1.0/sample_rate) # Prepare the output matrix output = np.zeros((len(target_times), 11)) # Add the times in to the first column of said matrix output[:, 0] = target_times for i, m in enumerate([-2,-1,0,1,2]): Hlm = self.construct_Hlm(Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz, l=2, m=m) # # Resample to uniform spacing at 16384 kHz # Hlm_real = self.interpolate(times, Hlm.real, target_times) Hlm_imag = self.interpolate(times, Hlm.imag, target_times) # # Make the output, and rescale it into dimensionless strain values # output[:,2*(i+1)-1] = Hlm_real * np.sqrt(lal.G_SI / lal.C_SI**4) #/lal.MRSUN_SI / ( distance * lal.PC_SI * 1e6) output[:,2*(i+1)] = -Hlm_imag * np.sqrt(lal.G_SI / lal.C_SI**4)#/lal.MRSUN_SI / ( distance * lal.PC_SI * 1e6) return output
[docs]class Ott2013(Supernova): """ The Ott+2013 supernova waveform """ has_memory = True waveform = "Ott+13" def __init__(self, theta, phi, time, sky_dist=uniform_sky, distance = 10e-3, filepath=None, family="s27fheat1p05", decomposed_path=None): """ Parameters ---------- phi : float The internal phi parameter of the supernova injection. theta : float The internal inclination parameter of the supernova injection. time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. distance : float The distance, in megaparsecs, at which the injection should be made. filepath : str The filepath to the folder containing the pre-rotated numerical relativity waveforms. family : str The family of waveforms which are to be used for the injection set. decomposed_path : str The location where the decomposed waveform file should be stored. Optional. """ self._clear_params() self.time = time self.params['phi'] = phi self.params['incl'] = theta self.sky_dist = sky_dist #self.params['numrel_data'] = filepath #decomposed_path #self.numrel_data if not decomposed_path : decomposed_path = filepath+".dec" if not os.path.isfile(decomposed_path) : decomposed = self.decompose(filepath, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01) np.savetxt(decomposed_path, decomposed, header="time (2,-2) (2,-1) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2)", fmt='%.8e') self.numrel_data = self.params['numrel_data'] = decomposed_path self.params['amplitude'] = distance # We store the distance in the amplitude column because there isn't a distance column self.params['hrss'] = self.file_distance # Again the hrss value is the distance at which the files are scaled
[docs]class Mueller2012(Supernova): """ The Mueller2012 waveform. """ waveform = "Mueller+12" has_memory = True def __init__(self, theta, phi, time, distance = 10e-3, sky_dist=uniform_sky, filepath=None, family="L15-3", decomposed_path=None): """ Parameters ---------- phi : float The internal phi parameter of the supernova injection. theta : float The internal inclination parameter of the supernova injection. time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. filepath : str The filepath to the folder containing the pre-rotated numerical relativity waveforms. family : str The family of waveforms which are to be used for the injection set. decomposed_path : str The location where the decomposed waveform file should be stored. Optional. """ self._clear_params() self.time = time self.params['phi'] = phi self.params['incl'] = theta self.sky_dist = sky_dist if not decomposed_path : decomposed_path = filepath+".dec" if not os.path.isfile(decomposed_path) : decomposed = self.decompose(filepath, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01) np.savetxt(decomposed_path, decomposed, header="time (2,-2) (2,-1) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2)", fmt='%.8e') #self.numrel_data = filepath + "/" + family self.params['numrel_data'] = decomposed_path #self.numrel_data self.params['amplitude'] = distance # We store the distance in the amplitude column because there isn't a distance column self.params['hrss'] = self.file_distance # Again the hrss value is the distance at which the files are scaled
[docs] def decompose(self, numrel_file, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01): """ Produce the spherial harmonic decompositions of a numerical waveform. Parameters ---------- numrel_file : str The location of the numerical relativity waveform file. sample_rate : float The sample rate of the NR file. Defaults to 16384.0 Hz. step_back : float The amount of time, in seconds, of the data which should be included before the peak amplitude. Defaults to 0.01 sec. distance : float The distance, in megaparsecs, from the observer at which the NR waveforms were simulated. Defaults to 10 kpc (i.e. 10e-3 Mpc). Returns ------- decomposition : ndarray The l=2 mode spherical decompositions of the waveform. """ # Load the times from the file data = np.loadtxt(numrel_file) data = data.T times = data[1] times -= times[0] # Load the I components from the file Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz = data[6:] # Make the new time vector for the requried sample rate target_times = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], 1.0/sample_rate) # Prepare the output matrix output = np.zeros((len(target_times), 11)) # Add the times in to the first column of said matrix output[:, 0] = target_times for i, m in enumerate([-2,-1,0,1,2]): Hlm = self.construct_Hlm(Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz, l=2, m=m) # # Resample to uniform spacing at 16384 kHz # Hlm_real = self.interpolate(times, Hlm.real, target_times) Hlm_imag = self.interpolate(times, Hlm.imag, target_times) # # Make the output, and rescale it into dimensionless strain values # output[:,2*(i+1)-1] = Hlm_real * np.sqrt(lal.G_SI / lal.C_SI**4) #/lal.MRSUN_SI / ( distance * lal.PC_SI * 1e6) output[:,2*(i+1)] = -Hlm_imag * np.sqrt(lal.G_SI / lal.C_SI**4)#/lal.MRSUN_SI / ( distance * lal.PC_SI * 1e6) return output
# def _generate(self): # """ # Generate the Mueller waveforms. This must be performed # differently to other waveform morphologies, since we require # the use of pre-generated text files. # The filepath and the start of the filenames should be provided in # the numrel_data column of the SimBurstTable, so we need to contruct # the rest of the filename from the theta and phi angles, and then load # that file. # """ # theta, phi = self.params['incl'], self.params['phi'] # numrel_file_hp = self.numrel_data + "_costheta{:.3f}_phi{:.3f}-plus.txt".format(theta, phi) # numrel_file_hx = self.numrel_data + "_costheta{:.3f}_phi{:.3f}-cross.txt".format(theta, phi) # data_hp = np.loadtxt(numrel_file_hp) # data_hx = np.loadtxt(numrel_file_hx) # return data_hp, data_hx, data_hp, data_hx
[docs]class Scheidegger2010(Supernova): """ The Scheidegger2010 waveform. """ waveform = "Scheidegger+10" def __init__(self, theta, phi, time, distance = 10e-3, sky_dist=uniform_sky, filepath=None, family="R1E1CA_L", decomposed_path=None): """ Parameters ---------- phi : float The internal phi parameter of the supernova injection. theta : float The internal inclination parameter of the supernova injection. time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. filepath : str The filepath to the folder containing the pre-rotated numerical relativity waveforms. family : str The family of waveforms which are to be used for the injection set. decomposed_path : str The location where the decomposed waveform file should be stored. Optional. """ self._clear_params() self.time = time self.params['phi'] = phi self.params['incl'] = theta self.sky_dist = sky_dist if not decomposed_path : decomposed_path = filepath+".dec" if not os.path.isfile(decomposed_path) : decomposed = self.decompose(filepath, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01) np.savetxt(decomposed_path, decomposed, header="time (2,-2) (2,-1) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2)", fmt='%.8e') #self.numrel_data = filepath + "/" + family self.params['numrel_data'] = decomposed_path #self.numrel_data self.params['amplitude'] = distance # We store the distance in the amplitude column because there isn't a distance column self.params['hrss'] = self.file_distance # Again the hrss value is the distance at which the files are scaled
[docs]class Dimmelmeier08(Supernova): """ The Dimmelmeier08 waveform. """ waveform = "Dimmelmeier+08" def __init__(self, time, distance = 10e-3, sky_dist=uniform_sky, filepath="signal_s15a2o05_ls.dat", decomposed_path=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. filepath : str The filepath to the numerical relativity waveform. decomposed_path : str The location where the decomposed waveform file should be stored. Optional. """ self._clear_params() self.time = time self.sky_dist = sky_dist if not decomposed_path : decomposed_path = filepath+".dec" if not os.path.isfile(decomposed_path) : decomposed = self.decompose(filepath, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01) np.savetxt(decomposed_path, decomposed, header="time (2,-2) (2,-1) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2)", fmt='%.8e') self.params['phi']=0 self.params['incl']=90 self.params['numrel_data'] = decomposed_path# self.params['amplitude'] = distance # We store the distance in the amplitude column because there isn't a distance column self.params['hrss'] = self.file_distance # Again the hrss value is the distance at which the files are scaled
[docs] def decompose(self, numrel_file, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01): """ Produce the spherial harmonic decompositions of the Dimmelmeier numerical waveform. This is a special case since it is axisymmetric. Parameters ---------- numrel_file : str The location of the numerical relativity waveform file. sample_rate : float The sample rate of the NR file. Defaults to 16384.0 Hz. step_back : float The amount of time, in seconds, of the data which should be included before the peak amplitude. Defaults to 0.01 sec. Returns ------- decomposition : ndarray The l=2 mode spherical decompositions of the waveform. """ extract_dist = 10e-3 # Load the times from the file data = np.loadtxt(numrel_file) data = data.T times = data[0]*1e-3 times -= times[0] # Load the hp components strain = data[1] # Make the new time vector for the requried sample rate target_times = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], 1.0/sample_rate) # Prepare the output matrix output = np.zeros((len(target_times), 11)) # Add the times in to the first column of said matrix output[:, 0] = target_times #/ lal.MTSUN_SI # # Resample to uniform spacing at 16384 kHz # strain_new = self.interpolate(times, strain, target_times) # # Make the output, and rescale it into dimensionless strain values # output[:,5] = strain_new #/* ( extract_dist * lal.PC_SI * 1.0e6) return output
[docs]class Ringdown(Waveform): """ A class to handle Rindown waveforms. """ table_type = lsctables.SimRingdownTable waveform = "GenericRingdown"
[docs]class Yakunin10(Supernova): """ The Yakunin10 waveform. """ waveform = "Yakunin+10" def __init__(self, time, distance = 10e-3, sky_dist=uniform_sky, filepath="Yakunin2010/hplus-B12-WH07_tail.txt", decomposed_path=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. filepath : str The filepath to the numerical relativity waveform. decomposed_path : str The location where the decomposed waveform file should be stored. Optional. """ self._clear_params() self.params['amplitude'] = distance # We store the distance in the amplitude column because there isn't a distance column self.params['hrss'] = self.file_distance # Again the hrss value is the distance at which the files are scaled self.time = time self.sky_dist = sky_dist if not decomposed_path : decomposed_path = filepath+".dec" if not os.path.isfile(decomposed_path) : decomposed = self.decompose(filepath, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01) np.savetxt(decomposed_path, decomposed, header="time (2,-2) (2,-1) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2)", fmt='%.8e') self.params['phi']=0 self.params['incl']=90 self.params['numrel_data'] = decomposed_path
[docs] def decompose(self, numrel_file, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01): """ Produce the spherial harmonic decompositions of the Dimmelmeier numerical waveform. This is a special case since it is axisymmetric. Parameters ---------- numrel_file : str The location of the numerical relativity waveform file. sample_rate : float The sample rate of the NR file. Defaults to 16384.0 Hz. step_back : float The amount of time, in seconds, of the data which should be included before the peak amplitude. Defaults to 0.01 sec. Returns ------- decomposition : ndarray The l=2 mode spherical decompositions of the waveform. """ extract_dist = 10e-3 # Load the times from the file data = np.loadtxt(numrel_file) data = data.T times = data[0] times -= times[0] # Load the hp components strain = data[1] # Make the new time vector for the requried sample rate target_times = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], 1.0/sample_rate) # Prepare the output matrix output = np.zeros((len(target_times), 11)) # Add the times in to the first column of said matrix output[:, 0] = target_times #/ lal.MTSUN_SI # # Resample to uniform spacing at 16384 kHz # strain_new = self.interpolate(times, strain, target_times) # # Make the output, and rescale it into dimensionless strain values # output[:,5] = strain_new #/* ( extract_dist * lal.PC_SI * 1.0e6) return output
[docs]class LongDuration(Supernova): """ A superclass to handle the spherial harmonic decompositions which long duration numerical relativity bursts may require. """ waveform = "LongDuration" # We shouldn't ever use this anyway supernova = True
[docs]class ADI(LongDuration): """ Accretion disk instability waveforms which are generated using the method described in LIGO-T1100093, at The waveforms are based off a model by MH van Putten, M. H. van Putten, A. Levinson, H. K. Lee, T. Regimbau, M. Punturo, and G. M. Harry. Phys. Rev. D., 69(4), 044007, 2004. M. H. van Putten. Phys. Rev. Lett., 87(9), 091101, 2001. The waveforms are stored in .mat binary files which can be read-in by SciPy. """ waveform = "ADI" def __init__(self, time, sky_dist=uniform_sky, filepath="stamp_adi_a_tapered.mat", decomposed_path=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- time : float or list The time period over which the injection should be made. If a list is given they should be the start and end times, and the waveform will be produced at some random point in that time range. If a float is given then the injection will be made at that specific time. sky_dist : func The function describing the sky distribution which the injections should be made over. Defaults to a uniform sky. filepath : str The filepath to the numerical relativity waveform. decomposed_path : str The location where the decomposed waveform file should be stored. Optional. """ self._clear_params() self.time = time self.sky_dist = sky_dist if not decomposed_path : decomposed_path = filepath+".dec" if not os.path.isfile(decomposed_path) : decomposed = self.decompose(filepath) np.savetxt(decomposed_path, decomposed, header="time\thplus\thcross", fmt='%.8e') #decomposed_path = filepath self.params['phi']=0 self.params['incl']=90 self.params['numrel_data'] = decomposed_path def _generate(self, rate = 16384.0, half=False): data = np.genfromtxt(self.params['numrel_data']) nsamp = len(data) hp = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("inj time series", lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0,0), 0, 1.0/rate, lal.StrainUnit, nsamp) hx = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries("inj time series", lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0,0), 0, 1.0/rate, lal.StrainUnit, nsamp) = data[:,1] = data[:,2] return hp, hx, np.copy(hp), np.copy(hx)
[docs] def decompose(self, numrel_file, sample_rate = 16384.0, step_back = 0.01): """ Produce the spherial harmonic decompositions of the ADI waveform. This is a special case since it is axisymmetric. Parameters ---------- numrel_file : str The location of the numerical relativity waveform file. sample_rate : float The sample rate of the output NR file. Defaults to 16384.0 Hz, and should be the same as the data rate of the detector. step_back : float The amount of time, in seconds, of the data which should be included before the peak amplitude. Defaults to 0.01 sec. Returns ------- decomposition : ndarray The re-interpolated file at the desired sample rate which is in the <time hp hc> format which can be accepted by LALSimulation. """ from scipy import io # Load the matlab file data = io.matlab.loadmat(numrel_file) comment = data['comment'][0].split(';') comment_dict = {} for line in comment: sp = line.split("=") comment_dict[sp[0].strip()] = sp[1].strip() extract_dist = comment_dict['dist'] # We actually want the extract distance as a float of megaparsecs if extract_dist == "1 Mpc": extract_dist = 1.0 # Load the sample rate of the file from the file fs = int(data['fs']) # Determine the end time start = 0 end = len(data['hp']) * 1.0 / fs # Make the time array times = np.arange(start, end, 1.0/fs) # Make the new time vector for the requried sample rate target_times = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], 1.0/sample_rate) #print len(target_times) # Load the hp components strainp = data['hp'].T[0].astype(np.float32) strainc = data['hc'].T[0].astype(np.float32) #del data # Prepare the output matrix output = np.zeros((len(target_times), 3)) # Add the times in to the first column of said matrix output[:, 0] = target_times # # Resample to uniform spacing at 16384 kHz # strainp_new = self.interpolate(times, strainp, target_times) strainc_new = self.interpolate(times, strainc, target_times) # # Make the output. # output[:,1] = strainp_new output[:,2] = strainc_new return output
[docs]class BBHRingdown(Ringdown): """ A class to represent BBH ringdowns. """ #lalsimfunction = SimBlackHoleRingdown waveform = "BBHRingdown" def __init__(self, time, phi0, mass, spin, massloss, distance, inclination, sky_dist=uniform_sky): """ Binary Black Hole (BBH) Ringdown waveform Parameters ---------- time : float The time that the waveform should be generated at, in gps seconds. phi0 : float The starting phase. mass : float The mass of the final black hole in solar masses. spin : float The dimensionless spin parameter for the final black hole. massloss : float The total mass loss of the system. (Also denoted epsilon). distance : float The effective luminosity distance at which the signal should be generated. inlination : float The inclination of the system in degrees. """ self._clear_params() self.time = self.geocent_start_time = self.params['geocent_start_time'] = time self.sky_dist = sky_dist self.params['simulation_id'] = self.simulation_id = self.sim.get_next_id() self.params['phase'] = phi0 self.params['mass'] = mass # in solar masses self.params['spin'] = spin self.params['epsilon'] = massloss self.params['eff_dist_l'] = self.eff_dist_l = distance # megaparsec self.params['inclination'] = self.inclination = float(inclination) def _generate(self, rate=16384.0, half=False, l = 2, m = 2): """ Generate this BBH Ringdown waveform. Parameters ---------- rate : float The signal sampling rate. Defaults to 16384.0 Hz. l : int The azimuthal number of the mode to be generated. m : int The polar number of the mode to be generated. half : bool Only compute the hp and hx once if this is true; these are only required if you need to compute the cross products. Defaults to False. Returns ------- hp : The strain in the + polarisation hx : The strain in the x polarisation hp0 : A copy of the strain in the + polarisation hx0 : A copy of the strain in the x polarisation """ dt = 1.0 / rate hp, hx = lalsimulation.SimBlackHoleRingdown(self.params['geocent_start_time'], self.params["phase"], dt, self.params['mass']*lal.MSUN_SI, self.params['spin'], self.params['epsilon'], self.params['eff_dist_l'] * 1e6 * lal.PC_SI, np.deg2rad(self.params['inclination']), l, m) if not half: hp0, hx0 = lalsimulation.SimBlackHoleRingdown(self.params['geocent_start_time'], self.params["phase"], dt, self.params['mass']*lal.MSUN_SI, self.params['spin'], self.params['epsilon'], self.params['eff_dist_l'] * 1e6 * lal.PC_SI, np.deg2rad(self.params['inclination']), l, m) else: hp0, hx0 = hp, hx return hp, hx, hp0, hx0